WIPWed #100: That’s a Nice Round Number

I’ve reached 100 WIP Wednesday posts, woohoo! Now, that’s not 100 weeks in a row or even 100 weeks of knitting, as there has been plenty more knitting than that, but 100 weeks of cataloging my knits in a systematic way, at least! (You can see all WIPWed posts here, if you’d like.) This week, I have spinning and socks.

My Favorite Socks Ever:

My favorite socks are currently in the toe stage of development, which means they’re almost done! I’m going to wear the bejeezus out of these things come fall. Also, I thought I should illustrate how difficult it is for me to get good blog photos sometimes; I have to fight off kitties for space and light (especially the yarn-hungry Darwin) through the entire photo-taking process.

Stealth Socks:

WIPWed #100

BMFA Socks That Rock Heavyweight, colorway Grimm. Click for project page.

The secret stealth socks are progressing, but not nearly fast enough. I’m on the heel flap of both but need to put some serious time into them this week.

TdF Merino Mind Bullets:

WIPWed #100

BeeMiceElf Merino top, colorway Mind Bullets. Click for handspun page.

Even though they are a pain in the butt to wind neatly, my favorite part of Turkish spinning is the fat little turtles of yarn you get when you take the cop off the spindle. That’s only about 0.5 oz of fiber, so I have a bit more to go *eye roll*.

TdF Dusky Greens:

WIPWed #100

Three Waters Farm Falkland, colorway Greens at Dusk. Click for handspun page.

As I am on the Three Waters Farm Tour de Fleece team, I figured it was about time I started in on some Three Waters Farm fiber. In one evening (!) I spun up 1/3 of a braid of Falkland wool in lovely green shades. I’m planning to make a 3-ply yarn to coordinate with the pound of Falkland I spun up when I first got my wheel. Now if I just had more time to spin… Work is going to be insane through the end of the month and the first couple of weeks of August will be busy with a vacation and a conference, so chances are my posts will be a bit spotty until later in August. I will do my best but if I disappear for a while, that’s why!

As for reading, I started a new book:


Definitely worth the read.

Some of you may have already heard of the Whole30 program, and even if you have, this book is worth reading to better understand the reasons behind it. The idea of the program is to stop eating certain unhealthy foods for 30 days and see how your body feels. Then you reintroduce them and observe any changes, so that you can make well-informed decisions about your diet in the future. I love this idea. The book does a good job of summing up the very complicated and unclear science of how food interacts with your body. Admittedly, the authors overuse analogies waaaaaaaaaaay too much, but the science they describe is pretty sound and clearly explained. They define unhealthy foods as those that do one (or more) of four things: 1- have an addictive or unhealthy psychological effect, 2- unbalance your hormones, 3- disrupt your gut health, and 4- induce an immune system response. For the most part, these foods include all grains, dairy, legumes, and seed oils. It essentially encourages a Paleo-style diet of protein, veggies, and fruit. For people struggling with their health or their weight while eating what seem like healthy foods, giving this program a try might be worth it. I haven’t done it quite yet, but the diet I did last year was very much like it and since I’ve been slowly-but-surely regaining some of the weight I had lost (despite calorie-counting, yoga, weight-lifting, and walking regularly) it’s worth a try to see if it can get my metabolism-related hormones back in balance.

Also, if you’ll allow me a moment on my soapbox, I think people should read this book so that they realize that obesity is a real biological problem. It’s not just mental (put down the fork!) or about willpower (get up off the couch!), it involves overcoming real biochemical challenges (genetics, metabolism, stress, hormones, brain chemicals) as well as societal pressures (restaurants, ads, easy junk food, peers) at every turn. And for some people, it’s a lifelong freaking struggle, despite doing everything right. It’s a legitimate disease and as far as I can tell, it’s one of the few left that people feel justified in openly mocking and belittling. Next time you have unkind thoughts about a fat person, take a beat and remember that there’s a pretty good chance they’re working on it and it’s not all their fault.

Soapbox done, back to your regularly scheduled knitting! Linking up with Yarnalong and Stitch Along Wednesdays.

13 thoughts on “WIPWed #100: That’s a Nice Round Number

  1. I adore those socks….my new ones are a similar pattern…..I have many food issues….I am an extremely picky eater….I also am anemic, so have to eat certain foods for that…and I have had kidney stones twice, so I was put on a specialized diet for that…I have to avoid oxalate as much as possible..which is very hard…and doesn’t really help me eat a well balanced diet…..grrr….


  2. Pingback: WIPWed #1 A Star is Born | Knit & Chez

  3. Loving your blues for the socks, and finding it hilarious that Darwin is such a goober. I like the idea of the whole 30, but I will stick to my approach which is just knowing about whole foods and trying my best to eat them.


  4. Your STR yarn is simply gorgeous! I love how it looks with that pattern. Love the Turkish spindle. I got one for Christmas that I have not had time to even use. Shameful! Your Three Waters Farm fiber is looking lovely. I just finished some of their fiber and it was such a joy to spin. I see we have the same taste in colors 🙂


  5. Although I’ve not struggled with weight, I’ve had to deal with many food allergies. Food struggles are tough! I’ve ended up in more of a paleo diet simply because sneaky things like nutmeg appear in unusual places. Sausage…. nearly every sausage has nutmeg in it. It was nice to figure out where my fatigue was coming in, but made Bangers and Mash night a bit more of a struggle. Although we switched out the potatoes with cauliflower. We’ve been steaming it, then mashing, then adding the good stuff, like butter. I noticed my fingers weren’t swelling the day after cauliflower mash. (Water retention got much more obvious now that I wear a ring.)

    Thanks for adding a voice to food issues. For me, the food alleges are deeply embarrassing because they are so difficult to accommodate and make going out with friends that much more anxiety ridden.


  6. Well 100 of anything bloggery is an excellent achievement, well done you!

    You are so right to draw attention to the complexity that underpins obesity. To reduce the hormonal, historical, industrial, social and psychological factors to a lack of self control is akin to saying people are poor because they are lazy. It is usually those with a vested interest in keeping folks poor who say stuff like that. The corporatisation and industrialisation of our food supply has made some folks very wealthy and powerful but much of society sick.


  7. Thank you for that last paragraph. Sometimes it feels very lonely to be eating right, exercising, and watching the scale tick up… and it’s helpful beyond words to be reminded that it’s not just me, and that while there may be something wrong (in my case it’s autoimmune), it’s not some weakness of character on my part.


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