IS #80: NaKniSweMo, For Real!

If you’ve heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), you might have heard of NaKniSweMo which is the knitterly equivalent. The goal is to knit an entire sweater, start to finish, during the month of November. According to this ancient post on the KnitGrrl blog, it needs to be a sweater of 50,000 stitches (like the novel length requirement). You can check out the Ravelry group here. And this year, for the first time ever, I’m joining in!

Copyright Brooklyn Tweed / Jared Flood. Click for pattern page.

I’ve finally begun the Cypress vest I swatched for a few weeks ago with my overdyed yarn. I’m actually rather surprised at how well the cast on went. After working ridiculously late last night and coming home to ALL THE HALLOWEEN CANDY BEING GONE ALREADY (the horror!) and too late to see a single tiny person dressed up like something fierce, I consoled myself with a couple of seasonal bourbon drinks that I had found on the internet. Turns out that hot buttered bourbon is rather horrifying, no matter how lovely the bloggers make it sound. So the Fiasco made me some sort of pumpkin spice liquor drink instead while we played a board game into the wee hours. He conked out and I decided that a post-midnight sweater cast on with a belly full of bourbon and pepita brittle would be an EXCELLENT IDEA.


Overdyed Crypress. Click for project page.

I guess the sugar high and alcohol buzz canceled each other out, because the tubular cast on (which I’d never done before and still don’t really understand, it was like magic) went swimmingly and I’m already a couple of inches into the ribbing! I’m actually not sure if this sweater will fulfill the 50,000 stitch requirement, I’m still too fuzzy-headed to do the math, but considering it will be my first completed sweater ever, I think just finishing it during the month of November will be achievement enough for me.

Are you planning to join in with #NaKniSweMo this month? Is there another KAL happening that’s been inspiring you, lately? Share with us!


10 thoughts on “IS #80: NaKniSweMo, For Real!

  1. Ooooh! Will have to check the Rav group out. What a cool idea! I’m about to assemble a seeater this eeekend and was going cast another on anyway. We shall keep each otger comoahy for this! 🙂


  2. I am starting a sweater, but I don’t think I’m going to force myself to finish it in a month. If I do, that will be great though. Also I know the late night feeling. I got home from a halloween party at 1am and suddenly had tons of art ideas!


  3. I didn’t know this was happening! I wish I knew earlier. I’ve now got stash spread among three cities in two countries and none of it is a sweaters amount where I am presently.


  4. I’m impressed! I would have started knitting a sweater with five arms if drinking while knitting late at night. Sounds like the perfect night! The sweater is going to be gorgeous!


  5. I love the overdyed yarn, it looks amazing, and will be perfect as that gorgeous, classic vest. And that totally sucks tat you didn’t see the littles dressed up or have any leftover candy! that is a scary scene.

