Not-So-Lazy Sunday

There are so many knitting-related and home-related things on my to-do list today, it’s crazy! But it’s also kind of fun to cross these things off. I haven’t had a day at home with nowhere to be in quite a while, so I’m excited to finally get things back on track.

First up were oatmeal pancakes. They weren’t really on the list, but they sounded so delicious and I thought the Fiasco could use a hearty breakfast to fuel him through an entire day of lesson planning and preparing for his first day of school (awww) so I made them. That link goes to the Smitten Kitchen food blog, which I absolutely adore. It’s my FAVORITE place to find awesome recipes and these pancakes did not disappoint. I’ll admit that when I saw I would have to grind oats in a food processor to make oat flour AND cook oatmeal before even mixing things together, I almost backed out and thought “we could just eat the oatmeal…” but I persevered and I promise it is totally worth it and really doesn’t take that much more time. We are big fans of the store-bought FiberOne pancakes (healthier, with extra fiber!), but these oatmeal pancakes surpass them by far and probably have a decent amount of fiber themselves. Go make them!

As for knitting, I plan to finish my Huacaya hat design for Burgis Brook Alpacas today:

I’m nearly there, just another repeat and the crown to work out. Then I will be winding this beauty up:

That is Mondegreen, a new yarn from The Verdant Gryphon that will be released next month. It is 60% BFL wool, 20% silk, and 20% baby camel… and it is fantastic. FANTASTIC. I will be knitting another sample for my Beribboned Hat design with it this week. Then next weekend I will hopefully be able to convince my friends to model it for me and then I can release the pattern! Yay, exciting.

By the by, if you’d like to be notified exactly when new patterns are released, you can sign up for my email mailing list here!

That’s most of the knitting that has been occupying me lately. I’m fighting the urge to cast on about a million shawls because I already have so many on the needles, but there’s something about the onset of fall that makes me want a shawl for every outfit. This doesn’t seem unreasonable to me, really. πŸ˜‰ Designs first, shawls later. Oh yeah, and housework. Lots of housework.

What’s your favorite shawl pattern? (You know, just to fuel the fires.)

10 thoughts on “Not-So-Lazy Sunday

  1. Oh my goodness, the Mondegreen is AMAZING! You're so lucky to be able to work with it before it's officially released. πŸ™‚ I think it will look absolutely fabulous knit up into a Beribboned Hat. (Which, by the way, I totally plan on knitting once your release the pattern!)

    And speaking of hats, your alpaca hat is looking really lovely, too. So much fibery goodness here: love it all! πŸ™‚


  2. Mmm, oatmeal pancakes, I will have to try this sometime, since I love all things oatmeal.

    And, hmm, my favorite shawl pattern? So hard! I'm most proud to have completed a Haruni, because I once looked at it and thought I'd never be able to do that kind of lace work. Summer Flies is the only one I've made twice, though, so it's certainly up there. Now I want to cast on another shawl as well!


  3. I'm not much of a shawl knitter, so I can't help you out there. I do, however, have serious yarn envy for that Mondegreen!

    Do you peruse Orangette? If you like Smitten Kitchen, I think you'd like Molly's recipes too.


  4. Those pancakes sound amazing! Someday when I have someone to cook them for I certainly will. Also, I love the new yarn, really love it! I may have to order some for myself. I'm not much of a shawl person, sorry! I cannot wait to see your new design finished!


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