Good Day

I hope you’re having a fantastic Saturday! Mine has been full of adventure so far. I went to a great little coffee shop nearby where I was supposed to meet up with a Stitch ‘N Bitch group for the first time. I was running late so nobody was there by the time I arrived, but that’s ok because the place had fantastic chai tea and a nice artsy atmosphere. I’m looking forward to going back for open mic nights… Brings me back to my college days! I’ve missed that whole vibe.

Then while the Fiasco and I were strolling around town we came across a woman selling gorgeous handmade glass jewelry. I had purchased one of her pieces before at a farmer’s market. I love the colors and shapes she uses. I’m blogging from my phone otherwise I’d link to her site, but try googling Art Salad Studio jewelry.

While at the shop, I spoke to the owner about possibly teaching some knitting classes there in the fall! I think that would be super fun and I really hope it works out. Yay, networking!

We are currently on our way to visit friends near Boston to play games and hang out. Nothing like some concentrated road trip knitting time! Hopefully I’ll be able to make lots of progress on my poor neglected Lillypad socks (part of my Year of Projects goals). I was concerned about the fit so I put them off, but I can’t resist knitting with the gorgeous yarn (The Verdant Gryphon Bugga) and the design is pretty fun to work. I like when patterns have simple repeats that are easy to keep track of, it’s like a built-in row counter for the more complicated parts of the pattern. Whether they fit or not, I still want to finish this sock and get the pattern ready for testing!

Have you had any adventures of your own lately?

10 thoughts on “Good Day

  1. Ooh, such fun stuff happening! Your socks look super-gorgeous, and the glass pendant was such a great find. Also, I really hope you get to teach knitting classes: I'd love to hear all about it! πŸ™‚


  2. You have so many wonderful adventures! I'm sorry to hear that the knitting group didn't work out this time, but knitting in a coffee shop can still be a lot of fun! The sock is looking lovely too!


  3. I dyed some roving yesterday, that was an adventure! I still love your sock, and I hope it works out. And I agree with Pumpkin, knitting at a coffee shop is always a fun time.


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